
私は,国際協力機構(JICA,Japan International Cooperation Agency)とタンザニア農業・食糧安全保障・協同組合省が共同で実施する灌漑農業技術普及支援体制強化計画(通称TANRICE)に配属されました。陸稲の新品種NERICA(New Rice for Africa)の普及と農業技術普及に携わる人材,特に農業試験場研究員と農業研修所教官の実務能力向上を支援しました。詳細は以下の通り。


(1)Importance of market-oriented research for rice production in Tanzania. A review

(2)Importance of basic cultivation techniques to increase irrigated rice yields in Tanzania

(3)Farmer-to-Farmer Extension Facilitated by Agricultural Training Institutions: A Case of NERICA Dissemination in Tanzania

(4)Performance of Four Rice Cultivars Transplanted Monthly over Full Year under Irrigated Conditions in Tanzania

(5)Performance of a Number of NERICA Cultivars in Zanzibar, Tanzania: Yield, Yield Components and Grain Quality