Raphael Ediforが本日無事に大学院を修了。彼とは不思議な縁。2年前に大学院を修了したPeter Mchuno Alfredは留学前に参加したJICA筑波の稲作研修でRaphaelと半年間を共に過ごす。そもそもPeterはタンザニア稲作プロジェクト(通称TANRICE)で私のカウンターパート。そのTANRICEにて私と共にPeterを支援した大泉専門家はガーナ稲作プロジェクト(通称GRIP)へ異動しRaphaelのカウンターパートに。そのGRIPと三重大学が連携し、私の指導生が海外協力隊としてガーナへ。これからガーナに帰国するRaphaelは私の指導生達と共にガーナの水田地帯で汗を流す。この不思議な縁を次のステージへ。
Raphael Edifor successfully completed his graduate studies today. My connection with him is an exciting series of coincidences. Peter Mchuno Alfred, who graduated from graduate school two years ago, spent six months with Raphael in a rice cultivation training at JICA Tsukuba before his study in Japan. Peter was originally my counterpart in the Tanzania Rice Project (known as TANRICE). Mr. Oizumi, the expert who supported Peter with me in TANRICE, transferred to the Ghana Rice Project (known as GRIP) and became Raphael’s counterpart. Under the collabration between GRIP and Mie University, one of my students has already started working in Ghana as an Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer (JOCV), and some more students will join him in the near future as JOCVs. Raphael, who is now returning to Ghana, will work with my students in the rice paddies of Ghana. This thrilling web of connections moves on to the next stage.
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