


講演の様子は愛知淑徳大学のWeb Siteで紹介されています。

I gave a lecture to students of Aichi Shukutoku University (ASU). It was entitled “Nothing beats good taste. ‘Quality over quantity in farmers’ cultivar selection.’ Something common to many countries.” When rice farmers select cultivars for production, they put more emphasis on grain quality that consumers prefer over high yielding ability that agronomist consider important. This tendency of rice farmers is common to Japan and Tanzania.

Professor Shin Sugiyama of the Institute of Low Temperature Science Hokkaido University also gave a speech on his latest findings in Antarctic study. In fact, Professor Sugiyama and I worked in Zambia as Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV) and met each other for the first time in the last 20 years. An organizer of this academic event Professor Yoshiharu Fujita of Aichi Shukutoku University was also with us as a member of JOCV in Zambia then.

The ASU’s web site reports this lecture at http://www.aasa.ac.jp/live/pursuit/006257.html


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