

The harvest season has arrived. In this small rice field, the Global Plant Resource Science (GPRS) Lab and the Vadose Zone Hydrology (VZH) Lab investigate the soil-plant process in which rice plants absorb ammonium nitrogen in soils mineralized from organic matters. They are attempting to estimate the nitrogen balance in rice fields in details by measuring nitrogen dynamics above- and below-ground. The collaboration between GPRS MSc students with good knowledge of rice cultivation and VZH MSc students with some techniques of soil analysis and weather observation makes up for their shortcomings and enhances their learning process of rice physiological ecology greatly. GPRS undergraduate students are also learning a lot by trying to catch up with senior students. It seems that Japanese students are getting accustomed to the communication in English. Now, they are going to shift their focus from the management of rice plants to the analysis of sampled plants and soils.


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