Monthly Rice Paddy Study Session
Rice paddies are unique ecosystems that can naturally provide essential phosphoric acid and potassium for plant growth. Nitrogen is relatively more important, and nitrogen fertilization has become a key technology in rice cultivation. However, most of the nitrogen in rice plants comes from the soil, indicating that soil is actually crucial for rice production. This is precisely why “rice cultivation is soil building.” The indicator used to evaluate this nitrogen supply capacity of soil is available nitrogen. The Land Fertility Enhancement Act established in 1984 also sets the improvement of available nitrogen as an important goal. This implicitly suggests that this indicator can be improved through farming efforts. However, there is a possibility that fluctuations in available nitrogen are influenced by complex hydrological environments created by topography. Does this mean that this indicator has characteristics that are difficult to control by human intervention? Interesting.
Japan’s soybean yield per unit area is low compared to other countries. This is particularly evident in Tokai and Kyushu regions, which have shown a decreasing trend in recent years. In Japan, there is a monoculture of the Fukuyutaka variety, which has excellent processing suitability. When cultivating Fukuyutaka, avoiding lodging due to overgrowth and avoiding sowing during the rainy season shortens the growing period, resulting in reduced yields. To increase yields, it is important to switch to varieties that are less prone to lodging, resistant to moisture during germination, tolerant to early sowing, or simply higher yielding, as well as to develop seed drills that enable sowing during the rainy season and maintain good soybean growth after sowing. The technology has been developed. The remaining question is whether production sites and markets will adopt it.
Sekiya (International Resource Plant Science): “The Impact of Topography on Available Nitrogen in Rice Paddy Soils”
Watanabe (Central Japan Agricultural Research): “Selection of Early Sowing Suitable Varieties for Stable and High Soybean Yields in the Tokai Region and Development of Cultivation Techniques Using No-Till Seeders”
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