与謝野町の生産者圃場試験における追肥作業です。移植前に散布したオリジナルの有機質肥料「京の豆っこ肥料」をそのまま追肥します。株元に沈んでいる茶色いのが「京の豆っこ肥料」です。米ぬか、おから、魚のあらで作られています。これがどの程度分解されてイネに吸収されるのか?卒論生が調査します(試験の詳細はこちら)。#与謝野町 #京の豆っこ肥料 #コシヒカリ #調査
The on-farm trial fields in Yosano-town are now top-dressed with fertilizer. This fertilizer is the same compost manure as that applied before translating and is directly broadcast in the fields. Those brown stuff around plant hills are the ones. They are made from rice bran, okara, and bony parts of fish. One of my students is going to investigate how much this organic fertilizer is mineralized and taken up by rice plants.
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